Friday, November 17, 2006

: on learning to say NO! :

Somehow or another, I should learn how not to say yes to everything. Should say NO if certain favours demanded bugs me. Fact-I'm inherently an evil person living in a sheep's skin. Should'nt have a sense of guilt if i feel it's the right thing to do, such as in these instances:

1. Should have said NO to the warden who lives across the street comes by and asks you to cover his shift for 45 mins, but he then tells security that i'll (me) be on call for an hour instead...not that i have anything else important to do though: It's just the way he barges right in and expects you to fill in for him. Oh, and they say he seems quite dodgy. One doesn't need to agree to everything, don't have to do something unwillingly...later get old faster only -one wise lad- :

2. Should have said NO to the EuroLottery Lotto (eventhough its just 1$), eventhough my housemates pestered me like its the end of the world if i don't: Musn't succumb to peer-pressure, no matter how small an amount could i've never been lucky, ever, in such circumstances. And with that money I can still buy loads of bourbon biscuits! The winning number:02 06 12 22 32 33 36; and my number was 04 06 10 12 19 21.... and i need-ed to match at least 3 digits from the pool. As hard as i try to keep my fingers crossed, them lady luck always seem to desert me in such instances. Nia seng:

3. Should have said NO when I was asked to lend my ricecooker... due to that, the beloved pui-thang (rice-pot literally..) got 6 bloody some rat(s)* in this house.. The one item which has sustained me well throughout my 1st year here...2nd year going too. Still waiting for them to ask for permission to use my tefal-frying pan ( the baby of my spartan cooking armory):

4. Should have said NO to watching Grey's Anatomy, though not daily (they are really addictive)...but still religiously trying to complete the series with whatever free time i have. And the worst thing is that my own neuroanatomy project assignments are piling up by the week, and I've only completed 1 so far...with the last dissection scheduled for next week, and the finale-exam in the 1st week of January right after christmas break! Die liao- of lack of serious initiative and self-discipline:

5. Said NO to the rat* js now; yet again: The inhabitants here seem to think that i'm the person in charge of the upkeep/weelbeing of the house. Apparently the heater is not working, told me that the whole house has'nt showered today... the rat* even had the gall to ask me to contact security with my walkie-talkie to report the complain. Harlo, you think reporting faults in the house is within my scope of duty as well? It's a weekend man. The rat* previously even complained bout the 'unstable' internet connection, thus asked if I could most kindly connect a wire from the port through my window all the way outside, upstairs to his computer! I was provide you connection already somore want to make my life difficult. Now, we sort of like reached a compromise to put the router just by the window-side, mouthwatering-ly tempting to passing thiefs. If only it goes missing, then we all know who to blame then.... feel like pissing on this rat*-like-Ah-Cha, a pain in the ar*s eversince we met:

But then again, I also have to learn how to accept NO too,

-NO + NO does not give one a YES!-

Owh well....


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